Wednesday 10 July 2013

Why we should use gable Boxes

So many different and unique designing of cardboard boxes are available these days. Among many other one box which looks really nice and elegant is gable box. A gable box is a cardboard box most of the times and is so easy to carry cause of its designing.

Since cardboard is the most favourite and preferred material of many companies, cause of its eco friendly and rigid nature. Gable boxes are also among few boxes which can be used anywhere for any kind of product. Cause of convenience they give, gable boxes are most suitable for edibles of any kind . Whether it’s confectionery items or fast food , you can always use a gable box for this purpose. Or even if you are new in market and want to get attention by people , you can use these kind of boxes to grab attention and especially when no body else has used them before for a product which you are offering. Sometimes its good to decorate your gable boxes for special events like new years, christsmas, weddings and festivals where you can give your near and dear one’s something special It wont be wrong to say that gable boxes can also be used as an alternative of gift box.

If designed properly and professionally , it can become a source of attention. By using colored gable boxes with high quality material you can easily achieve the position of top rank in your field. We all know how deadly competition is there in market these days , where every company is trying hard to give the best to their customers. In that case using attractive and high quality packaging and wisely chosen lines (for printing on box) will not only help you but can make your product stand out .

Gable boxes can also be designed with a window on it , if they are used for edibles cause it will look more good to the eye. The window on the box , wont only make the product inside visible but also make the over all presentation better. To make the box more impressive and appealing you can add some more drama to it by putting ribbons, ropes laces buttons and other things on it. You can print some important things about the product or the company on the box . Just to tell your customers that what they are buying contains those things.

Gable boxes make it easy for holding, storage and transportation. There are available in every size and color so you don’t have to worry about the size or color. Writing the right content on the box is also one thing which should be given importance other then the printing, material and packaging. If you give little attention to these basic things you will ultimately achieve the goals which you have set. custom Gable boxes should be designed and used according to the product . Lastly you should strictly follow few principles before purchasing the box which include the quality , printing and standards. is one solution for all your printing/packaging needs. They give 3D sample and FREE designing.


  1. I'd love those boxes. It is always nice that it has a holder for customers and users not to have a hard time in carrying it. I have heard much about gable boxes and I'd love to see more of their designs.

  2. Here we provide gable boxes with high quality printing service. We offer full color printing service in U.S.A and Canada.
